
Monday, October 10, 2005

Paper, Scissors, Rock

So my wife and I are pulling up into our driveway after a nice date and we are trying to decide who has to drive the babysitter home.

Gail: So, is it paper, scissors, rock?
Chris: Yeah, sure. 2 out of three?
Gail: I'm too tired, just one.
Chris: Let's go. 1 - 2 - 3

we both has scissors. laughter.

Chris: Again. 1 - 2 - 3

I held out paper and Gail held out her extended index finger.

Chris: What is that, a booger picker?


Gail: No, it's a pencil. Pencil writes on paper, I win.
Chris: Pencil?
Gail: Yeah, it writes on paper.
Chris: There is no pencil in paper, scissors, rock.

Gail realizes her error and laughs uncontrollably.


Donna G said...

So who won?

MaryAnn Mease said...

LOL...yah...who won?
and...winning means who got to stay home and climb in bed?

Fajita said...

Who won? Oh please! You know I was driving the sitter home.

Steve said...

Finger extended in my youth was dynomite which blew up rocks and sissors could cut the fuse. Many an afternoon's play time was wasted arguing if it burned paper or if paper snuffed it out.

Karen said...

oh yeah... I forgot about dynamite!!

Greg Brooks said...

Thumb extended was a hand grenade which trumped rock AND paper but could be beaten by scissors which cut the "fuse".

Thumb and forefinger extended was a gun which trumped everything but didn't 'win'--that round just didn't count. If you did the gun more than twice in a row you automatically lost.

Middle finger extended started a fight.

Fajita said...

Ha! I didn't want to say it, but after my wife's creative new twist on the game, I asked her, "if that finger is a pencil, what does this finger mean?"

Steve Duer said...

Finger extended in my youth was dynomite which blew up rocks and sissors could cut the fuse. Many an afternoon's play time was wasted arguing if it burned paper or if paper snuffed it out.