Below is an e-mail survey I received today. Can you please tell me what the author of this survey is trying to get at?
I’m wanting to do some simple research and I want to see how far this can go via the internet. I have the addresses of a couple of hundred preachers – if you have even one that I do not and that person responds and has even one – this could go qui t far.
Here is what I need: 1. Answer the questions below. 2. PLEASE Forward this to all the preachers on your e-mail list. Do it now. 3. Let me know if you want the results. (respond to
I am sending this out on 3/31/06 and will accept responses until 4/22/06. Let’s see how many preachers we can get to respond. The results could be very interesting.
1. What is the primary translation of the Bible you preach out of?
2. Does the congregation where you preach have pew Bibles? If “yes” what version??
3. How many adult classes does the congregation there have?
4. What Bible study material do your adult classes use:
a. Just the text.
b. A quarterly type material (which one? GA, 21st, Lambert, other)
c. “Book” type studies.
d. Video materials.
e. PLEASE answer for each adult class.
5. What is your name?
6. What is the name/city/state and Sunday morning attendance number of the congregation where you serve?
Thank you and may God richly bless your work.
And now, for something really different, the flea circus. (HT Believing Thomas)
The questions on versions, materials, etc. wouldn't bother me, but what's with the personal info request? That part seems odd for a survey.
Bet we could guess what end of the spectrum of the church and what translation the author uses is. Ha.
I'm guessing he's just trying to sell you (and other preachers) something. Some kind of Sunday School curriculum.
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