
Friday, May 09, 2008

Not Technically ANCOVA

I am up to my ears in a take home statistics exam. It has taken 5 hours to answer five questions. I am only half done.

You know that you are in way too deep when you read in your notes that "due to the interaction of this and that variable, the model is not technically an ANCOVA model." What's worse is that I think I know what that means.

OK, back to the grind.


Lonely Dissertator-No-More said...

Poor you. What ever happened to "Gonzalez the Mighty Norwegian?"

Anonymous said...

But just think... pretty soon, we're going to be able to refer to you as Dr. Gonzalez... or Professor Gonzalez.

Lonely Dissertator said...

Poor you. What ever happened to "Gonzalez the Mighty Norwegian?"