
Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Past, Present, & Future

Christmas past is a collection of contrasts. Opening presents at gramma's house was far and away the highlight. It was always the 90 minutes trip from Apple Valley to ALbert Lea (Minnesota towns). It felt like a millions miles for all the anticipation. "Are we there yet?" "No, we still haven'tgottne gas yet.""Grrrrrr - Are we there yet?"

However, the trip could never begin until my fahter had gotten done delivering the newspapers. He delivered the Minneapolis Star-Tribune in his working days. Well, weather was a major factor in the amount of time needed to accomplish news paper delivery. He had the farm routes - miles between houses, dirt roads, deep ditches, late coming snow plows.

Although beautiful, a white Christmas meant a delayed Christmas. A white Christmas also meant a mad dad Christmas. Some of you have never had a mad dad Christmas. For those of you who have never had the experience, please understand what a great joy it is to have a happy dad Christmas. You don't want to have a mad dad Christmas, not with 90 minutes of driving ahead of you.

Sometimes we would sleep over at Gramma's house. I can't remeber why, but that was a real treat. We'd ask to stay the night.

Right now I am at my in-laws (who just got internet access - hooray!) and my kids are experiencing Christmas at gramma's. I am so glad thatI have not given them a mad dad Christmas. I video taped them opening presents and being excited. What a joy.

I am just enjoying the day. Ahhhhhhh.

I want to be a better present giver. I suck bad at gift giving. I want to create something for the people I love. I want to bring them joy. I get this mentla block and get busy right before Thanks giving and it doesn't end until after the Christmas season. Maybe next year will be my year. I want to deposit something more into the memories of the people I love.


Keith Brenton said...

Your blog is a treasured gift. You give more than you know.

Merry Christmas, Fajita!

Donna G said...

I was going to say much the them the gift of your memories is a gift that will keep on giving.

Merry Christmas!

David U said...

Keith stole our thunder, but your blog IS a precious gift to all the lucky ones who read it!