
Friday, August 19, 2005

One of these things is not like the other

Ann Coulter, Harding University, Right-wing politics & Jesus.

Harding University, my home for 5+ years (shut-up, I couldn't decide on a major), has apparently just annoucned that Ann Coulter will speak for their American Studies Institute. Well, this decision is creating a bit of a stir among some Harding alums here, here, and here...aaaaaaaaan here (I like this one because it is a letter written to Harding from a past president of the American Studies Institute - Oh alright, here's another link to another past ASI president).

I knew Ms. Coulter was a political conservative who likes to shock, but I was not familiar with some of the best of her quotes - sure to make Bartlett's some day.

OK, something is way out of whack when a female political pundit can spew anything she want to all over the media AND that earns her a right to speak on Harding's main stage, BUT no female can read a scripture from that same stage. Furthermore, this preacher and that preacher from within the same fellowship are banned due to the content of their beliefs.


JamesG3 said...

I've never found her quotes to be remotely Christian. Walling would be an infinitely better choice.

Anonymous said...

This is what happens and shows the world how screwed up a "Christian" can be when we departmentalize our christianity.

Afterall, if you put our christianity in a box,then certainly a person like Ann Coulter can speak where women are not allowed to read scripture. (You open one box and close the other!)

This is what I have come to hate about us Christians and I think the world calls hypocritical. Great example of it!

Greg Brooks said...

Gracia Burnham is going to speak on Sept. 20. Mrs. Burnham and her husband were missionaries in the Philippines; they were taken hostage and her husband was killed. (

They were missionaries with New Tribes Missions ( Click on 'about' and then on 'doctrines'. Salvation received by faith apart from works, and 'believer's immersion'.

I would love to hear Mrs. Burnham speak. I think she's an excellent choice. But it fires my shorts that she will speak about her experiences planting churches that were not Churches of Christ. Why can she come and not so many others from within our own fellowship?

On the other hand, I have no problem with Ann Coulter coming to Harding. I think it's very valuable for students (the ones lucky enough to get tickets to these speeches) to be exposed to a variety of viewpoints. That's why I look foward to Al Franken's visit in 200hellfrozeover.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I think that's part of the problem. They will allow people of other faith fellowship come speak (Burnham, if I'm not mistaken, is not of the Church of Christ background) like Mrs. Burnham and Zell Miller, etc. but not people within the CofC who disagree with certain viewpoints of the administration. That's inconsistent at best, hypocritical at worst (I vote the latter).

Anonymous said...

Actually, I think that's part of the problem. They will allow people of other faith fellowship come speak (Burnham, if I'm not mistaken, is not of the Church of Christ background) like Mrs. Burnham and Zell Miller, etc. but not people within the CofC who disagree with certain viewpoints of the administration. That's inconsistent at best, hypocritical at worst (I vote the latter).

Anonymous said...

This is what happens and shows the world how screwed up a "Christian" can be when we departmentalize our christianity.

Afterall, if you put our christianity in a box,then certainly a person like Ann Coulter can speak where women are not allowed to read scripture. (You open one box and close the other!)

This is what I have come to hate about us Christians and I think the world calls hypocritical. Great example of it!